Controlling services

This section covers the programming model and concepts a developer needs to understand when controlling running services through the ServiceManager. Once a ServiceManager is built clients invoke methods on the built instance to:

  • Start/stop individual services
  • Start/stop all services
  • Notify when a service has stopped or started
  • Add a task executor
  • Add a status listener
  • Control triggering of start/stop tasks on a notification
  • Control automatic start/stop notification on successful start/stop task execution

It is important to understand that start and stop tasks work through the service graph in opposite directions. Starting works from the most downstream service to the highest upstream services. Stopping works from the highest upstream service to the furthest downstream service.

Starting services

Clients can start an individual service or all services known to the ServiceManager. ServiceManager inspects the graph and starts the services that are furthest downstream from the target start service. The services started move up towards the target start service as start notifications are received from the client application.

Starting a single service


Starting all services

Any service that has no dependencies is marked as a target start service for starting by the ServiceManager


ServiceManager collects start tasks from all services that can be started immediately and publishes the task list to the TaskExecutor. Dependent services are marked WAITING_FOR_PARENTS_TO_START. When the client app notifies ServiceManager services have STARTED, new task lists are published for execution. This continues until all services marked WAITING_FOR_PARENTS_TO_START have started, or until a stop call is issued.

Stopping services

Clients can stop an individual service or all services known to the ServiceManager. ServiceManager inspects the graph and stops the services that are furthest upstream from the target stop service. The services stopped move down towards the target stop service as stop notifications are received from the client application.

Stopping a single service


Stopping all services

Any service that has no dependencies is marked as a target stop service for stopping by the ServiceManager


ServiceManager collects stop tasks from all services that can be started immediately and publishes the task list to the TaskExecutor. Dependent services are marked WAITING_FOR_PARENTS_TO_STOP. When the client app notifies ServiceManager services have STOPPED, new task lists are published for execution. This continues until all services marked WAITING_FOR_PARENTS_TO_STOP have started, or until a stop call is issued.

Service state notifications

A service within a ServiceManager is only a representation of an external service. The client application must feed back the initial state of services and when a service move between STOPPED and STARTED states. The ServiceManager needs these updates to know when new tasks lists can be published to the TaskExecutor for execution.

Notifying started


Notifying stopped


Triggering tasks on notification

The service manager supports auto triggering of a start/stop tasks when an unsolicited notification for a service is received. This flag can be set for start notifications, stop notifications or all notifications.

trigger on start notification


When flag is true serviceStarted notification is equivalent to calling startService followed by serviceStarted

trigger on stop notification


When flag is true serviceStopped notification is equivalent to calling stopService followed by serviceStopped

trigger on any notification


When flag is true:

  • serviceStarted notification is equivalent to calling startService followed by serviceStarted
  • serviceStopped notification is equivalent to calling stopService followed by serviceStopped

Triggering notification on a successful task execution

The ServiceManager supports automatic triggering of service status notifications when a task has successfully executed. With default ServiceManager behaviour the client must call ServiceManager.serviceStarted or ServiceManager.serviceStopped to update service status and initiate publication of a new task list.

Setting the triggerNotificationOnSuccessfulTaskExecution flag will cause the ServiceManager to send the correct notification if the task executes without throwing an exception. This causes a cascade of tasks through the service graph until all connected services are started or stopped without requiring the client application to update the status of an individual service.

If the task throws an exception during execution or there is no start/stop task associated with a service the propagation stops at that service.

trigger notifications on task execution


Service lifecycle

The service starter manages a set of services with the following behaviour

  1. A service can be started if all its dependencies are in a STARTED state
  2. A service can be started if it has no dependencies
  3. A call to ServiceManager.startService(String serviceName) will start any services connected to the named service and that have no dependencies
  4. Any service the ServiceManager starts will move to the STARTING state. If a service has a start task it will be published to the TaskExecutor
  5. Any dependents of a STARTING service will move to WAITING_FOR_PARENTS_TO_START state
  6. A service moves to STARTED state when a client application calls svcManager.serviceStarted(String serviceName)
  7. When all dependencies of a WAITING_FOR_PARENTS_TO_START service have STARTED state this service will be started, see (4) above
  8. Continues up the dependency tree until the target service(s) are started

Stopping has the same behaviour but for the reverse topological order.

Service states

Service state Notes
STATUS_UNKNOWN waiting for state notification from client app
WAITING_FOR_PARENTS_TO_START A service dependency is STARTING, move to starting when dependency has STARTED
STARTING start task published by ServiceManager, waiting for status notification from client app
STARTED received ServiceManager.serviceStarted() from client app
WAITING_FOR_PARENTS_TO_STOP A service dependency is STOPPING, move to starting when dependency has STOPPED
STOPPING stop task published by ServiceManager, waiting for status notification from client app
STOPPED received ServiceManager.serviceStopped() from client app


A task list produced by the ServiceManagerServer and pushed to a registered TaskExecutor for execution. The default build of the ServiceManager uses a SynchronousTaskExecutor that executes all tasks on the caller’s thread.

Asynchronous task execution

An AsynchronousTaskExecutor can be registered with an instance of the ServiceManager:

svcManager.registerTaskExecutor(new AsynchronousTaskExecutor());

Tasks are executed asynchronously and in parallel using a thread pool. ServiceManager only issues tasks that can be executed safely in parallel.